Friday 17 May 2013

I've missed blogging!

Hey everyone,

So it's been a little while since I've blogged, and the black and white post is coming soooon!

Some great news...If you've seen my Facebook page you'll have seen that I got a FIRST for my documentary project :D (<-- my face) I was so unbelievably happy when I found out in my end of year tutorial and just so glad that for a project I put a lot of work into it, I got a really good grade to reflect how I felt about the project!

Moving on from that, I have been using my camera, so I am keeping up with at least one shoot a week! I've been photographing some of the drama and dance assessments at the LPAC here in Lincoln (my boyfriend also works there!) and I'm sure I'll post some of them too when I have finished processing them.

I am second shooting at a wedding next week - which is a first for me (well second, but my first was with my boyfriend dad, who is awesome!) and I am really looking forward to it. I love shooting weddings by myself, because I get into the "zone" but it's going to be good to learn from someone else, which in turn will help me improve the weddings I shoot myself!

I have also been planning a lot of shoots for the summer. Again featuring Nikki and Bella - but I am also looking to work with other models, so if you are a model or know anyone who would be interested please get in contact! I will be posting up details of the shoots pretty soon, so keep an eye out for them! I think they should be pretty fun, and I will more than likely use them for projects for the third year at uni!

Hopefully I won't leave it so long between posts this time - and new work should be up soon!


Wednesday 8 May 2013


Hey everyone!

I feel as if I haven't posted in a long time! But I just want to say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my blog! I am on just over 1000 views now, and that makes me so happy!

This post is about my boyfriend, Ferenc! In his lunch break yesterday we managed to fit in a quick shoot in the studio - my first time back in the studio since my course moved buildings, and it felt really good!

Other than me wanting to get back into the studio, the photoshoot had another purpose! Ferenc's blog BYDHIFU , which is a film review blog (and so much more!) is also well about 1000 views now and rising each day! He wanted a photograph for his profile picture, so I was more than happy to take one.

So here he is! Ferenc!

This is the first photograph that I took and I'm sure more will be appearing soon.

As you can tell I love black and white, so my next blog post is going to be about the importance of black and white and why you should take full control of the way you use it!

Talk soon!
