Friday 17 May 2013

I've missed blogging!

Hey everyone,

So it's been a little while since I've blogged, and the black and white post is coming soooon!

Some great news...If you've seen my Facebook page you'll have seen that I got a FIRST for my documentary project :D (<-- my face) I was so unbelievably happy when I found out in my end of year tutorial and just so glad that for a project I put a lot of work into it, I got a really good grade to reflect how I felt about the project!

Moving on from that, I have been using my camera, so I am keeping up with at least one shoot a week! I've been photographing some of the drama and dance assessments at the LPAC here in Lincoln (my boyfriend also works there!) and I'm sure I'll post some of them too when I have finished processing them.

I am second shooting at a wedding next week - which is a first for me (well second, but my first was with my boyfriend dad, who is awesome!) and I am really looking forward to it. I love shooting weddings by myself, because I get into the "zone" but it's going to be good to learn from someone else, which in turn will help me improve the weddings I shoot myself!

I have also been planning a lot of shoots for the summer. Again featuring Nikki and Bella - but I am also looking to work with other models, so if you are a model or know anyone who would be interested please get in contact! I will be posting up details of the shoots pretty soon, so keep an eye out for them! I think they should be pretty fun, and I will more than likely use them for projects for the third year at uni!

Hopefully I won't leave it so long between posts this time - and new work should be up soon!


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