Monday 22 April 2013


Hi everyone!

This week is DEADLINE week! Eeep!

Two big projects are due in this week, one tomorrow and one on Thursday. So it's busy, busy, busy for me (especially today!)

But I thought I would share some of the work I have for the project due in on Thursday for my experimental work. It is all based on memory and the idea that you may remember the photograph rather than the detail and actual memory behind the photograph!

I'm overlaying photographs together, photographs from my childhood and more recent ones. The photograph above is from Paris when I was around 11 and the older photographer...not quite sure how old I was there, but I sure did have a...lovely smile!

I certainly remember the trip to Paris, not just due to this photograph. But maybe part of that memory is triggered by seeing the photograph. As for the other one...not a clue!

My sister and I! Again I have no clue about either photograph and what situation they were taken in, but my memory associated with these photographs is the outfit we were wearing! I distinctly remember that outfit, so I'm pretty sure I'm not just remembering it due to the photographs.

My sister again. This time I remember both of the situations of the photograph. The more recent one I took about two weeks ago! The older one was a trip to London, and I have a lot of memories outside of this image.

And finally my mum and I! This has to be my favourite one, I love the combination of colour and black&white (and plus I love my mum!)

Again I remember the recent photograph more so than the older one, which is located in Spain. For that holiday I definitely remember feeding cats outside of our villa most days!

So that was an insight into something a little bit different. They aren't my usual style, but it is nice to go through my childhood photographs and remembering!


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